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Signature Better Life Hack(s)
In Rituals, Systems, Hacks
Brandon Fuelling
Jul 24, 2020
My Signature Life Hacks: #1 - Miracle Morning Routine: Having a morning routine has changed my life. Each morning I follow the S.A.V.E.R.S acronym from Hal Elrod's book, The Miracle Morning. Silence (15-20 min) - I use a guided mediation app called 10 Percent Happier Affirmations (2 min) - Written affirmations read each morning Visualizations (5 min) - I use a technique called Goal Setting to the Now (next hack) Exercise (30-40 min) - No more hours at the gym, I use Beach Body On Demand Read (10 min) - I read one chapter of the Bible each morning Scribe (2 min) - I write down 3 things that I'm grateful for I've found that repeating this routine each day (most days) gives me the energy and fuel I need to tackle each day. It helps me start the day off with the right perspective, and has hands down been the most productive change I've made in my life. #2 - Goal Setting to the Now - Gary Keller (founder of Keller Williams) says the reason for setting a goal isn't to achieve it, but rather, to know how to act appropriate in the moment. That's why I use the technique Goal Setting to the Now from the book, The One Thing. The first and most important step is determining what is your "WHY". I believe the Japanese describe it best with their concept of Ikigai, which means, a reason for being. To have purpose and a direction in life that inspires you to take action and provides a sense of meaning to your life. Once you know your WHY or ikiguy, set a 10 year goal or vision for what and where you want to be in 10 years. From there you set the following goals: 3-year Goal: What's the one thing I can accomplish in the next 3 years to ensure I'm on track for my 10-year goal? 1-year Goal: What's the one thing I can accomplish in the next year to ensure I'm on track for my 3-year goal? 90 Day goal: What's the one thing I can accomplish in the next 90 days to ensure I'm on track for my 1-year goal? Monthly Goal: What's the one thing I can accomplish this month to ensure I'm on track for my 90 day goal? Weekly Action: What's the one thing I can do this week to ensure I'm on track for my monthly goal? Daily Task: What's the one thing I can do TODAY that will ensure I'm on track for my weekly action? Writing this down each morning will give you incredible clarity and motivation! #3 - I don't drink alcohol

Brandon Fuelling

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